
calling doctor jones

I am sick.
I think I may have been gifted an ear infection from les enfants. super. (in a french accent)... "soupair...."
I had a 4 hour nap today while les enfants were a l'ecole. But it didn't help.

Get well soon, me.


Eryn red food colouring said...

awww hun get better soon! now your turning into mel because those darn kids are getting you sick.

if it makes you feel better i have a rash on my entire body and have had it for a week? no that probably doesn't make you feel better. huh.

can i send you peanut butter? i could send you the cutest little care package if you give me your mailing address.

my nana is letting me borrow her typewriter, i'll write you a letter on it for sure.

frauz said...
