
notes from a page or two

Today I am cleaning my room. It's surprising how many random pieces of paper I have collected over the past 4 months of being here. I have SO many little ripped papers flying around my room, or ideas on the backs of receipts, or ideas and phrases in notebooks. I have not yet completed the organizing of my room, but I would like a little break, so I will share some of the random ideas and phrases that have come out of my brain at some point or another....
(note - sometimes I can't read my own writing, so some things I just had to guess.)

"Grocery list:

cinnamon raisin bagels

"Paulina.... with the "a". A guy in a band would write an acoustic about you.
Pauline.... with the "e". A woman who wears elastic bottom sweat pants and her basement has wood panel walls and plates with painted huskies on them."

"Donald: ext. 428
email OCAD

"Name ideas from my jewelry....
-bicycle theft
-when gramma's attack

"Sometimes I forget I am running my own body"

"I'm drunk on the streetcar - thought you should know"

"Email Jean-Pierre Louis. What 'BIG' city do you live in!?!?"

"Random and Stimulating"

"Download song 'keep feeling fascination' - human legue"

1 comment:

Eryn red food colouring said...

plates with painted huskies BAHAHahahahah