
it is monday, but i am writing about saturday night.

The weekend was excellent. The Diesel XXX party was shit though. We got free invitations from a friend, which I thought was pretty exclusive. But apparently so did the rest of Paris, because after 1 hour of arriving, the huge warehouse was completely full. The so-called unlimited free drinks were sacred. The line at the bar was basically a mosh-pit by 11:30. I had 3 watered down vodka and orange juices. Youpiiii! SO, we decided to quit after 2 hours of putting up with the lame party. We went to Chez George, a wonderful, and yet again busy, tourist free bar! I had 4 glasses of red wine, for 2 euros a glass. What a bargain! I love this bar, but I never can find it when I go looking for it on my own, or with other English speakers. I can only find it if I am with my boyfriend. I think the bar is invisible to the English eye, and can only be seen if you are in the presence of a Frenchy.

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