

hullo wurld.

Two random notes on language for you today:

I wuz thinking thuh other day abouwt spelleeng wurds how they sownd. Juring a lektcher at skool there will off-tin bee wurds the teecher will say (in french) that I will not no the meeneeng uv ore how 2 spell. So I reelie on thuh phonetic sownd of thuh wurd and rite it how it sownds. I check layter 4 thuh definishun and sumtimes kant eeven find it.

I am taking a Spanish course at school, and am of course in the level "grand debutant", as I have never learned Spanish in my life. It can become a bit tiring when doing homework to look up every word in a sentance because I really have no idea what it is. So, I result to google translate. And sometimes google translate is a nice guy, but other times he is an asshole. Like especially when I should have left the house 5 minutes earlier, but had to finish the assignment. Of course he is an asshole then. This exercise I was trying to complete last minute was one of those connect the first part of the sentence on the left to the end of a sentence on the right.

I just typed each sentence into the translater and running late, scrambling to finish, this is what I got:

1st half of sentence 2nd half of sentence

these glasses are - whose father talks to you
that's it girl - this is the bed
that dog is - is that I bought for the savannas
I want to see - like the one I was a kid
I have friends here - Bohemian Crystal

That is not my attempt at matching them, its just how they were arranged in the exercise.

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