
la période d'orages pourrait durer encore

BIG news:

I'm leaving Paris this Saturday. I can't even make plans for this weekend. Ahhhh wierd. I'm sad. I keep feeling sorry for myself that I'm leaving Paris. I'm being selfish. But I'm coming back in September. YE$$$$ I am. So really, my summer in Canada is just a 3 month vacation seeing my wonderful friends and family.

Last night it thunderstormed! Beautiful summer heat, 4 days in a row, 30 degrees that stays hot into the night can only result in summer rain. At around 10:30 last night O and I went to go meet a woman at metro Vavin. O was buying a guitar from her. This woman was amazing. She was so cozy, and talking about wonderful things and kind of ressembled Maril $treep. She was British, living in Paris for over 10 years. Working in cultural events around Paris, and tourism. She was very maternal, probably in her mid 40's. We should have gone to a cafe with her, instead of sitting on a bench in the shadow of a building. I tuned the guitar, then played 4 of the 10 chords I know. Impre$$ive. Then it started to pour. mmmm summer rain, je t'aime.

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