
ants in my pants, so i'm gunna dance.

Two posts in one day. I haven't blogged in well over a month, so I hope this makes up for it a bit. I could have just made one post today, but then it would have been too long and random.

Here is some music that is 100 percent dance-able. Perfect for turning up loud and cooking dinner to, while dancing at the same time. Perfect for dancing home alone. Perfect for parties. The group is called Caravan Palace.

More songs found here.

Happy Hallowe'en by the way. I sure had a great one. It was such a last minute halloween for me. I usually plan the costume well in advance, but this year it was 2 hours before the party. I was a flapper. Woah original. Calm down. But apparently European's can't identify flappers very easily. I got responses like:

"Oh!!!! Pochahontas!!"

"That actress from the united states! The one from the 70's right?!"

Anyway, that doesn't matter. It's not their fault, Hallowe'en is really under-celebrated in France. It's too bad really.

I was thinking the other day, how I'm sure my parents stole so much of my halloween candy when I was a kid. Seriously I would bring home atleast one pillow case full of candy, there is no way I could ever eat all of it alone. So I am certain that parents take your candy when you are not there, or at school, or asleep. But that's fine, really, I am certainly going to do it too.

I find it hard to believe this is a real plant..... it is called "Dolls Eyes".
Those "eyes" are berries....appartently. Creepy. But I want one.

1 comment:

frauz said...

this made me crack up so much for some reason. why are your posts not showing up on my blogroll, hmmm?!?!?