Happy (belated) New Year!

I forgot to say happy new year. For some reason, I have never been super excited about New Years. I like the idea of the celebration of the ending of one year, and the beginning of another.... but I think after I realized (quite a few years ago), that New Years was simply that, the novelty wore off. It's like when I was a child and I truly, madly, deeply believed in jolly old St. Nick. Christmas was this magnificent day when magic happened, it was the one day when you didn't have to play make-believe.... it just kind of happened. In fact, Christmas was so advertised (and still is), that you didn't even have to use your imagination to wonder what Santa and his reindeer and elves looked like....the media produced this image for you. And so, the day I discovered that Santa did not actually exist, all the Christmas magic was lost....forabout the next five or six years. And now I appreciate Christmas for the time I can spend with my family and see people that I don't see very often. Anyway....what I was getting at was, that New Years lost a bit of its charm when I came the age of responsibilities and decision making. When New Years resolutions became more than just, "I will unload the diswasher 4 days a week, to help mom", or "I will sometimes let my sister play with my barbies". Cute little resolutions that I just made because it made me feel more grown up. In fact, I'm pretty sure until I was about 12 I was still under the impression that I was making "New Years ReVolutions". This new year rolls around with the pressure of making real life resolutions, and commitments. Like suddenly it's 2009 and the first thing that comes to mind is that I now only have one month to apply for university, or, on the 4th, I have to work.
Anyway, I wish you a very healthy and happy New (list of responsibilities) Year!!!!!

I am making it sound like I had a terrible new year.... mais au contraire! I spent a wonderful New Year in London! My boyfriend's brother and bro's girlfriend are living in London currently, and invited us to come spend a week there. We spent the night in, but it was a wonderful night of dinner, wine, snacks, champagne, party-crackers, and laughter.
Portobello Road Market

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