
I made the most delicious homemade salsa this week. It was my first time....and it was a success I am pleased to say. Here is the recipe, not exactly sure what the measurements are, so I will just list you the ingredients with an approximate amount.

"Mardi lunch Salsa"
  • plum tomatoes fresh from the market - 10
  • jalapeño pepper (green) not the super strong kind - about half, but it was mild so I could have added more
  • 1 red onion chopped finely
  • some minced garlic
  • salt
  • a bunch of cilantro (coriandre en Francais)
Blanch tomatoes and pepper so that skin can peel off. Stew tomatoes in a pot and when juice goes to top, skim off. Chop the jalapeño finely, then spread into a paste and mix with tomatoes. Cook onions and garlic with as well. Add some sea salt. Leave to cool, and mix half of cilantro with, and after cooled, add some more fresh cilantro when ready to serve. Enjoy!

I made this salsa, along with some wonderful quiche for a Tuesday lunch at chez moi with 2 friends of mine.

"Mardi lunch Quiche"
(I used an internet recipe.... shame on me)

Préparation : 10 mn
Cuisson : 25 30 mn

Ingrédients :

- 1 pâte brisée
- 100 g de gruyère
- 125 g de mozzarella
- 200 g de tomates cerises
- 3 oeufs
- 20 cl de crème fraîche
- 1 poignée de basilic
- poivre
- 1 verre de lait

Préparation :

Disposer la pâte dans un moule à quiche, couper les tomates en 2 puis la mozzarella en dés, les disposer sur la pâte, parsemer le basilic. Dans un saladier mélanger les oeufs la crème fraîche le lait puis le gruyère, les battre et recouvrir la pâte. saler et poivrer

I just can't help but love and want to be best friends with Nico and hang out with her and Andy and do drugs. It's a serious problem I have. She's definitely a strange lady. Has anyone seen any of Andy Warhol's films? I can see bits of them on youtube, but I'm not sure where to find a full video.

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