
petite bulle inconsolable

Here is one of those lames quizzes that I normally make fun of people for taking the time to do. Well, now I am going to be one of those lame people who take the time to do it.

Nine Things About Yourself:
  1. Almost every emotion I have is directly connected to my tear-ducts. And for me, crying is therapeutic.
  2. I hate confrontation, and try to avoid arguments.
  3. I am never on time.
  4. I love to love and be loved.
  5. My passion is making things by hand; being crafty. Cut and paste!
  6. My mood is highly effected by those around me. Even by the emotions of films and people in novels.
  7. I like to do anything and everything that is cozy.
  8. I live in Paris, France! And will never be tired of red wine.
  9. I carry a notebook with me.... always and everywhere. I feel lost and naked if I don't have it with me. It carries whatever information my brain might forget. Ideas, thoughts, important things....
Eight Ways To Win My Heart:
  1. This question is lame
Seven Things That Cross Your Mind A Lot:
  1. Do I have my notebook, keys and cellphone with me? k, good.
  2. What do I want to be when I grow-up? fuck, I am grown-up.
  3. How can I stay in France without being here illegally?
  4. I am hungry.
  5. Having a vision of an imaginary possibly non-existent piece of clothing, and convincing myself to either find it, or sew it myself because it is so beautiful.
  6. Feeling like there is something I have forgotten to do.
  7. Looking around me and realizing how lucky I am to be living in Paris!
Six Things That You Want To Do Before You Die:
  1. Another lame question. I am just living and enjoying the moment. With some planning for the future here and there.
Five Turn Offs:
  1. Buying me a yellow rose at the bar.
  2. Buying me a yellow rose at the bar.
  3. Buying me a yellow rose at the bar.
  4. Buying me a yellow rose at the bar.
  5. Buying me a yellow rose at the bar.
Four Turn Ons:
  1. Not buying me a yellow rose at the bar
  2. Not buying me a yellow rose at the bar
  3. Not buying me a yellow rose at the bar
  4. Not buying me a yellow rose at the bar
Three Smileys That Describe Your Life:
  1. 69
  2. :D
  3. ] ./Xk)
  4. ps. I am making fun of this question
Two Things That Make You Cry:
*Please refer to " Nine Things About Yourself", number 1.

One Confession:

Last weekend I pocketed something worth 4 euros from the flea market. The lady at the stall was not letting me haggle! I would have felt guilty, but last time I bought a pair of shit frames for 20 euros! I think it's fair.

The end! The questionnaire continues tomorrow! Youpi!

I just saw the trailer for the movie based on the novel "Twilight". I shouldn't be as excited as I am. But I can not wait to see this!

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