I am in love.
I am in Paris.
It is autumn.

That was not a poem. I love autumn. The air has is so fresh. In summer, I am sad if it is a cloudy day, but in fall, I am happy with sun, clouds, or rain. Had lunch today at a cute little restaurant in the latin quarter, "Le Potte de Terre". The dessert, which I didn't even order, just tasted from my friend, was spectacular. I ordered chicken liver salad. Good, but I was expecting the chicken liver to taste more like fois gras (duck liver)....and it didn't. I ordered the chicken because at the time saving 50cents seemed like a deal. After we went to the Musée Albert-Kahn. It was a beautiful selection of photography.
More info on this site
http://www.ivebeenthere.co.uk/tips/12693.The museum had a beautiful garden! I could have stayed there all day. No photos to show....I forgot my camera today. guh.
On the metro tonight on the way home, there was an old couple sitting across from me, holding hands. The man was caressing his wife's hand lovingly, and she would look up at him every so often and smile. I thought it was beautiful.
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