
médaille d'or svp

This week was an accomplished week. I have no wonderful tales to tell of a glamorous life in Paris. This was a week spent working. Monday I gave my first presentation in French. I can't even begin to explain how nervous I was before. Even compared to all of those years spent in musical theatre and various singing competitions, nothing can compare the my fear on monday. I can't pinpoint exactly what I was so scared of.... maybe the fact it was in French, or that I was afraid I reserached something incorrectly, or I wouldn't speak loud enough, or no one would understand because of my thick accent. Probably a combination. Anyway, I don't feel exceptionally confident, but I do feel satisfied knowing I did the best I could. (personal pep talk.... I'll pat myself on the back now too I suppose.)
Friday I handed in a paper about the position of Spain in Europe and in war in the 1600's.
And saturday I finished (one day late) my first essay written in French, on "how to define the works of Véronèse".
I would really like a trophy, but I will settle for a passing grade.