Life is so wonderful right now. Although it is still not sure that I can stay in France, I am trying not to waste time thinking about "what if I can't". I began a French course the week. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. It is honestly so nice to be sitting in a class room challenging my brain again. It has been a while I must say. What's even better is that the school is located almost directly beside L'arc de Triomphe, at the top of the Champs-Elysées. Each morning when I leave the metro to walk to the school at 9 in the morning, I am amazed to see l'arc de Triomphe there. I could never become tired of French monuments. So after class that day, it is one of the first beautiful days with sunshine I've seen in a while. It had rained that morning so everything was shiny, the sun was brilliant and the sky clear blue. I turned on my eye-pod to listen to this song. And life is amazing. Not perfect, because perfect is boring, and with only perfect there is nothing worse, and it is then impossible to feel something better. Listening to this song and walking down le Champs-Elysées in the morning sunshine, nothing can go wrong. Every care and worry is suddenly forgotten.
Sometimes I hear a song, or see a photo or a moment passes, and it connects to me. I feel suddenly emotional. Not necessarily sad or happy, or anything in particular, everything just seems clear. It happens to me often when I'm just walking down the street and find a homeless person looking at me and sometimes just staring, or sometimes begging. But even without words I can feel them begging for something. But sometimes you can see it on the faces of everyday people walking down the street.
But this song is addictive. I heard it on a website and I could not stop listening to it. I wanted to download it, but it couldn't be found anywhere. So then I thought I would buy it, but only a certain number of copies were being sold at Colette. It is a small section of Bohemian Rhapsody turned into a ballad. by Blackjoy. Turn it up really loud, open your windows, or walk down the street listening to it, and prepare to feel something. It is a sexy, seductive song. It is romantic and sad. It is refreshing. Listen to the bass. I have realized that many of my favourite songs have a bass line almost the same to that . Pachelbel's Canon, by Johann Pachelbel, and the bass of Where is my Mind, by the Pixies. They all have something similar to them. I really must thank this gentleman for leading me to "Nothing Really Matters".